Consalia Sales Business School

The first business school dedicated to sales professionals

In Good Company

In the past, the formal route of education into the sales profession has been absent. Other business functions such as Finance, Marketing and many others have been professionalised by formal education. So why not Sales?

The Consalia Sales Business School is here to change that.

As advocates of Sales Education, Consalia offers salespeople fully accredited Degree Apprenticeships at Level 6 (BSc) and Level 7 (Post Graduate Diploma), as well as Executive Master's (MSc) programmes that focus on Professional Practice in Sales Transformation, Leading Sales Transformation and Key Account Transformation. We also offer a tailored coaching programme which is specific to the sales role: Coaching for Sales Transformation.

A LONGER TERM APPROACH: Sales Education, not Sales Training

Training can be an effective way of fixing specific issues within the sales organisation, particularly in the short term. However, over time many of the benefits typically dissipate as memories of the course fade or application is not practised. Gartner research suggests that 87% of B2B sales reps will forget what they learn in sales training within a month.*

We focus on professional development as a long-term approach that builds on each stage of the programme. The application of relevant, real-world projects ensures embedded learning that produces successful results, not just for the salesperson but for the organisation for whom they work.

Our programmes bring in work-based learning techniques to ensure the application, relevance and reinforcement of the learning.

*Gartner (2019)

DIFFERENT LEVELS OF STUDY : Programme Levels Offered

Our programmes are designed for salespeople who want to improve their sales performance by adopting the key knowledge, skills and behaviours required of a salesperson. The Consalia learning approach is applied across all programmes with integrated mentoring and coaching to guide participants through the process of taking what they learn and applying it back into the workplace.

Sales Apprenticeships

For developing sales professionals and taking sales leaders to the next level.

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Executive Masters

For senior sales leaders who want to challenge their thinking and develop new sales leadership skills.

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Coaching for Sales Transformation

For sales managers and sales leaders who want to learn how to grow their team through coaching.

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PROFESSIONAL LEARNING: A Unique Learning Experience

Consalia specialises in educating sales professionals using work-based integrated learning supported by a team of dedicated tutors.

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Work-based Integrated Learning

Sales Mindsets For Success

Pioneers In Professionalising The Sales Role

STUDENT EXPERIENCE: Collaborate with Peers

Meet and learn with other like-minded sales professionals from different types of industries on the same programme.

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Professional Tutors : Dedicated Support

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    Dr Philip Squire

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    Hilary Watkinson

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    Louise Sutton

  • Natalie Murray bust

    Natalie Murray

  • John Climpson bust

    John Climpson

  • Laura Bradley bust

    Laura Bradley

A team of dedicated and experienced tutors are key to understanding the working needs of our students. Learn more about how they support our students.

The Master's journey for me is very special. It's very close to my heart and it has been transformative to say the least.

What it brings to you is a different perspective of things, in your own practice, in the world around you and more importantly the people around you. It really helped me to understand the power of the team, the power of collaboration and the power of stepping back, reflecting and learning and looking at things from a different angle.