Habits For Sales Success

Create the habits that will help you succeed in life

Habits for Sales Success

We acquire many habits during our lifetime – some good, some bad. Creating good habits and getting rid of bad ones can powerfully transform both our personal and professional lives. In this module you'll learn to identify your current habits and to instil new ones.

Identify the habits that prepare you to perform   Icon 0
Identify the habits that prepare you to perform
Establish new habits that will drive performance   Icon 1
Establish new habits that will drive performance
Embed deliberate practice to increase work performance  Icon 2
Embed deliberate practice to increase work performance
60 minutes to complete Icon 0
60 minutes to complete
£60 per user Icon 1
£60 per user

Identify the habits that prepare you to perform

This beginning section focuses on helping you identify the habits that are essential for success in a sales career. You will learn about the importance of a variety of habits that the top sales professionals do in preparing themselves for high performance in sales.

You will also learn how to evaluate your current habits to determine which are helping you and which are hindering your success. 


Establish new habits that will drive performance

Building on the first section of the module, this outcome focuses on helping you establish new habits that will drive performance.

You will learn how to create action plans for developing new habits, and how to measure progress over time to ensure that they are on track to achieving your goals. 

Working From Home

Embed deliberate practice to increase work performance

The final part of this module focuses on helping you embed deliberate practice into your routines to increase your work performance. You will learn about the principles of deliberate practice, which involve setting specific goals, seeking feedback, and engaging in focused practice to improve performance.

Through structured practice sessions and feedback from peers and instructors, you will be able to develop and refine your skills over time. 

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